Thursday, June 29, 2017

Moon Child

I stayed up late again making another pose and photo lol...I could have worse habits! I made a "walking" pose tonight. This was taken on a green screen, and I made the background from "scratch." I used various free brushes I downloaded and just played around trying to make it look cool. I feel like this somewhat makes up for the sloppy edit I did this morning...or yesterday...or whenever lol

Yes, it's the same outfit (mostly) as the last post, but I can't help it. It's cute! lol
The changes I made were to the hair and shoes/stockings, so it has quite a different feel to it than the first edit. Plus, the pale skin makes for a dramatic change.

Hair: Doe - Jamie (Gacha @Sanarae til July 18th)

Flowers: Tableau Vivant - Lilies (Gacha)

Choker: Noodles - Daisy Choker

Necklace: Amala - The Cara Necklace

Jumper: Canimal - Daydream (@Uber til July 23rd)

Stockings: Luxuria - Lace Trim Thigh Highs

Shoes: Oubliette - Charcoal Doodle Chucks

Pose made by me :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Another New Pose

I stayed up too late playing in Blender last night and ended up making another cute pose. It's simple again, but I did do more with the hands than the last one. I like it for what it is. If I get good enough at doing these, I will throw them up on MP. Can't hurt to see if it helps support some of my shopping addiction, lol! 

This is a super sloppy edit, but the pose is what I'm featuring. RL is encroaching, so I will try to do it justice later on. These are more fun things from this round of Uber-- Reign, Tram, and Canimal. I love the messy bun on the Tram hair-- too cute!

Learning to Pose!

I've learned to make a pose in Blender! I've been wanting to figure this out for a long time, especially since Bento bones are in the mix now. I wanted an 'action' pose for the outfit I put together, so I figured this would be a good time to jump into some tutorials and learn something new. I didn't make it too spectacular or complicated, but it does what I want it to, lol.

I saw this bodysuit by Canimal at Uber and couldn't resist making a skating outfit with it, lol. I love the shiny blue with the pink hair. It's making my eyes happy. I'm starting to get the hang of color, lol. It's been a while since I've been in black for every photo or outfit. It is what it is lol...maybe it's seasonal :D

Hair: Truth - Scout

Skin: Mudskin - Sora (Catwa Powder Pack, June)

Jumper: Canimal - Play (@Uber til July 23rd)

Cape: MuggleBorn - Butterfly Cape (@Suicide Dollz til July 6th)

Skates: Phedora - Kelly Skate Rollers

Pose made by me :D

Monday, June 26, 2017

Up All Night

So I haven't slept, hence two blog posts in a row, lol. I have not stayed up all night in a very long time! It's 10 am, and I'll probably drop soon. But I figured I'd blog the photo I worked on tonight along with the one I edited yesterday (somewhere around there, lol). I'm not thrilled with how this photo turned out, but each one is a learning experience.

I love, love, love this dress from United Colors! The photo really doesn't do it justice, lol. It's great for a casual summer/beachy look and goes perfectly with the new Truth hair release that's at Uber right now. I worked and worked at getting this photo done tonight-- but only because I was struggling to get decent photo quality on my laptop, so I decided to take the photo on the desktop and edit it on the laptop, which led me down a path of trying to get the two computers to see each other and be able to transfer files, lol! Seems simple, but nothing in my life ever is. Eeep  I am babbling in my blog post! But nobody reads this, right? lol...... I need sleep... or coffee.... hmmm

Hair: TRUTH - Taren (@Uber, June)

Dress: United Colors - Migle Dress (@Souled Out, June)

Shoes: Friday - Faith Sandals - Grey

Necklace/Earrings: Maxi Gossamer - Love Catcher Heart set

Skin/Makeup: amara beauty - Livia, Tone 7 (Powder Pack, June)

Pose: oOo Studio Poses - Contemplate Five

LISP Bazaar - Charlie Sofa

Calm Designs - Leaf Wall Panels 


I've been working on getting both the PC and laptop workable for editing photos and videos from either place since I've been working from bed so much lately. Having to spend to much time "resting" has me quite bored and feeling creative.

This photo is a step forward for me in terms of scenery. This is my new front yard! I love my beach, lol. I love when a shot just comes together at the end of the day-- no real direction, just inspiration. It's a simple shot, but I love the feel of it.

Hair: Phoenix - Kendall

Top/Skirt: Beautiful Dirty Rich - La Bohemia (Group Gift)

Shoes: REIGN - Bow Sandal Creepers (@Collabor88 June round)

Skin/Makeup: YS&YS - Illy, Tone 3 (Powder Pack, June 2017)

Pilot - Beach Picnic (Holiday)

Sway's - Sandia Beach Bag

Unkindness -  Driftwood Beach Set (Free gift @The Liaison Collaborative June 7-30)

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Happy Birthday, Second Life!!

I made my rounds at the SL14B Shop Til You Drop event to pick up the gifts (yes, I'm a cheap date, lol). I'm impressed with many of them and even MORE impressed that I actually unpacked them all. That's saying a lot when I still have gifts from SL's 11th birthday sitting in my Objects folder, still packed, lol! There are also several cakes from last year's celebration hiding packed in my Objects folder somewhere. So, go me!

These are not all of the gifts, and the snakeskin chair is not part of the haul. There are several clothing items and accessories, lots of fun home decor and some poses and props to boot! The Shop Til You Drop SL14B event will be going until June 26th, and there's 60 designers with lots of discounted items and even a gift (or a few) for you!

Here's your taxi to the event!

SL14B Gifts:
Dress: Fakeicon - Split Tee
Shades: 1313 Mockingbird Lane - Dark Days Sunglasses
Earrings: RealEvil
Choker: Boys To the Bone - Still Around Choker
Pose: Foxcity - A Pretty Good Hair Day (Bento Pose)

Balloons: Construct - Elegant Balloon Cluster
Music Box: Patron - SL14B Music Box
Stool: Big Bully - Sven Stool White
Plants: Cube Republic - Spider Plants
Table: Lemon Chilliz - Wheeled Table
Hanging Beads: Candle & Cauldron - Selene's Beads - Glow
Wall Sign: anxiety - They're Insane
Jars: Refuge - Galaxy Jars

Other Stuff:
Hair: Doe - Nova
Boots: Razor -  Harley Boots (April BishBox)
What Next - various house plants
Nomad - Green Snakeskin Chair 
House: Scarlet Creative - Catskill Lodge (January Luxe Box)