Thursday, March 30, 2017

Strings for Days!

I am loving my Bento head! Today's shot was a fun one to do. I LOVE this outfit and haven't been able to take it off for a couple of days now, lol. I learn more with each edit. Still unsure how I want to do backgrounds as a blog setup or 'norm,' but I'll eventually settle into a style.

Someday I will get away from full body shots, lol, but shoes complete the outfit for me most the time. This bodysuit from Kenny Rolands is SO well done. I had to make a bee line to Kinky Event for it as soon as it opened!

Hair: =DeLa*= - Sahara
Bodysuit: Kenny Rolands - Laora (@ Kinky Event)
Shoes: #EMPIRE - Clover
Gloves: The Body Shop - Fishnet Gloves (Omega)

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday MJ

I was given some gifts by one of my YouTube subscribers the other day, so I decided to blog about it, lol. I still can't believe anyone actually watches my videos, much less hit the subscribe button! I'm at 138 and counting. That is so crazy to me, lol. I love that my little hobby is interesting and/or helpful enough to be given time. ♥

This cute lil dress from Rhelm is so my style. My "gifter" pays attention, for sure! I love it. Today, I experimented with more brush styles and effects. I've been somewhat lost lately as to what direction I should take to improve my pictures, but I'll just keep trying and hope for the best.

Head: Catwa - Catya (my own shape)
Body: Maitreya - Lara
Skin: amara beauty - Brooke Beauty Kit (Powder Pack March 2017)
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Viola
Dress: +Rhelm+ - Harness Bodycon Mini - Punky Plaid
Fishnets: Big Beautiful Doll - Fishnet Tights ver 1 - Black
Boots: Zenith - Detroit Boots
Arm Straps: katat0nic
Pet: Alchemy/Birdy - Chi Chi Chihuahua - Spike - Black (gacha)
Pose: oOo Studio - City - Three (mirrored)

Monday, March 13, 2017


I finally got a Bento mesh head! I was waiting for Catwa to release Lona at the Skin Fair this weekend so I could demo all four new heads. I really thought I would pick Lona, but I decided on Catya in the end. I'm so glad I can now put more expression into my photos! It's been a while since I've been inspired to work on one, so hopefully this breaks the dry spell, lol.

I'm still working on the shape, but she looks good so far. I have been breaking out all my old skins and trying them on. I've even opted to skip Luxe Box this month and pick up the Powder Pack instead. I'm hoping to get some fresh, new things to use on my fresh, new head, lol.

Head: Catwa - Catya
Skin: Glam Affair - Imani (previous FLF in America tone)
Hair: EMO-tions - Kelia
Eyes: Avi-Glam - Melancholia Eyes - Hazel
Eyeliner: Izzie's - Natural Eye Crease Set for Catwa
Lipstick: Izzie's - Dark Lip Tint for Catwa
Septum Ring: LOTUS - Treasure Septum - Noir
Choker: Supernatural - Wanda (Black Silver) @On9
Earrings & Necklace: Maxi Gossamer - Love Rocker Set